Plasticizers for concrete solutions are specialized additives based on lignosulfonates, polycarboxylates, and other components that increase density, mobility, and several other parameters of the finished mixture. They are used both to facilitate the work being carried out and to improve their final result. Many craftsmen, encountering the use of such compositions for the first time, wonder how to add plasticizer correctly to obtain the highest quality result. Let’s take a closer look at this issue.
Plasticizing additives are widely used both in professional construction when pouring foundations, monolithic walls, ceilings, and screeds, and in the construction of private houses. When using additives, the following material properties are improved:
- mobility and plasticity increase, the formwork prepared for pouring is better filled, the number of internal voids is reduced, and the process of compacting the mixture is accelerated;
- the strength of finished products increases due to a decrease in their porosity and a more uniform distribution of the mixture;
- moisture resistance parameters increase due to a decrease in the number of capillaries through which moisture spreads inside the cement stone.
Thus, adding plasticizers to the mixture allows you to immediately obtain a set of improvements without additional and serious costs.

Professional plasticizing additives can vary significantly in their composition and final characteristics. They go on sale in two main formats:
- powder – is a predominantly white crystalline powder. To prepare, it is necessary to pre-mix with warm water, in which the crystals must dissolve completely and without sediment. The resulting solution in the required proportions is added to the concrete at the stage of introducing water;
- liquid plasticizer – ready-to-use compositions that do not require pre-treatment.
Plasticizers are added directly to the concrete mixture. When using a mixer, the procedure occurs in the following order:
- dry ingredients are poured in and mixed;
- the required volume of water is added;
- plasticizer is added.
After thorough mixing, the mixture is ready for use.
Please note that the exact dosage and other features are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging and must be strictly observed during further work. As a rule, the minimum and maximum amount of plasticizer is indicated.