What you need to know about air exchange: standards and tips on how to comply with them
The quality of ventilation and the overall level of comfort in the home depends on how well the air exchange standards in the room are met.
The quality of ventilation and the overall level of comfort in the home depends on how well the air exchange standards in the room are met.
We talk about the advantages and disadvantages of electric heating floors, characterize their varieties, and give detailed instructions on how to independently install the system under tiles.
How to replace the cylinder, how to change the rotor and block, and what to do with the mortise and inset type of lever lock.
The open veranda is a great place for summer gatherings. But in winter, the room will be covered with snow, and furniture, flooring, and decoration will suffer from moisture and frost. Protective curtains will help solve the problem.
Frame houses are considered one of the most economical in terms of heating costs. However, sometimes in winter a draft and discomfort are felt in the “framework” and you have to significantly increase the heating power. What is the reason and how to prevent heat loss?
If your house has an attic, it’s time to conduct an audit and check whether there are things from our selection there: books, items made of delicate fabrics, wooden furniture, and others.
We tell you what common shortcomings arise when insulating and equipping an attic and how to avoid them.
We analyze prefabricated elements of the sewer system, requirements for external and internal communications, rules for the location of equipment on the site, and other important issues.
Many homeowners would like to install a sauna with a shower, bathroom, toilet, or laundry room in the basement. However, everything is complicated by the fact that a conventional sewage system cannot be installed in them. For such premises, forced drainage installations are required.
We talk about what a septic tank is, what types of septic structures there are, and how to choose the best one for your cottage.