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Building DIY > News > Electricity
De-icing Systems For Pitched Roofs and Gutter

De-icing Systems For Pitched Roofs and Gutter

We tell you in what cases it is necessary to install an electric roof heating system in a private house,
4 main causes of fire in a country house

4 main causes of fire in a country house

One of the most terrible incidents that can happen to the owner of a country house is a fire. Damage or
6 proven ways to create modern lighting in your apartment

6 proven ways to create modern lighting in your apartment

We tell you how to think through lighting from scratch and put your ideas into practice.
Backup power supplies for cottage: generators vs batteries

Backup power supplies for cottage: generators vs batteries

Country electrical networks are not comparable in reliability to city ones, and accidents do happen. You should prepare for this
How to connect an electrical wire correctly and safely

How to connect an electrical wire correctly and safely

Most of us sometimes need to enlist the help of an electrician to optimize our home wiring or troubleshoot problems.
How to lay a warm electric floor under tiles: detailed instructions

How to lay a warm electric floor under tiles: detailed

We talk about the advantages and disadvantages of electric heating floors, characterize their varieties, and give detailed instructions on how
Water or electric heated towel rail: which is better?

Water or electric heated towel rail: which is better?

We talk about the features of water and electric heated towel rails, their advantages and disadvantages. We offer a comparison table
How does a wire differ from a cable: in simple words that will be understandable to everyone

How does a wire differ from a cable: in simple

We tell you what wire and cable are and compare them with each other. We explain when it is better to
Corrugation pipe for electrical cables: is it necessary or not in a private home?

Corrugation pipe for electrical cables: is it necessary or not

When are corrugated cable pipes really useful and in what cases can you do without them when installing electrical wiring
How to connect a wooden house to electricity

How to connect a wooden house to electricity

Proper connection of suburban housing to the main power grid is the key to the stable operation of all engineering systems. This
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How To Build Cheap Large Greenhouse 6 mistakes in operation and maintenance that pool owners make How to build outdoor sauna: 7 suitable materials for walls All about the screw pile foundation 6 proven ways to create modern lighting in your apartment Seven types of insulation for the home: which one to choose and why How to make a sewer system in your country house DIY Septic tanks for a summer residence: which one is better? How to waterproof the basement from water Finnish-type foundation: what is it and how to build it How to buy a house or apartment – 5 bad advice you shouldn’t follow How to cut aerated concrete blocks: 5 suitable tools 6 mistakes in the garden that are most often made Best Cordless Tools of 2023 7 myths about the operation of air conditioners that it’s time to dispel A house roof without eaves, Barnhouse-style: advantages and disadvantages Which home heating system is better: comparing 6 heating systems 5 REASONS TO BUILD A TINY HOUSE How to make a wooden bathtub heated from a wood boiler 7 SOUNDS AT HOME YOU CAN’T IGNORE