Many craftsmen and builders are not even aware of this trick, which significantly improves the quality of your repairs. For example, you need to apply silicone caulk to a corner gap between two surfaces to seal. If you open a tube of silicone as usual and cut at a right angle, the sealant will simply lie on the surface when applied, and there will be an empty surface underneath even when smoothed. Such a seam will have minimal service and will soon either swell because it will simply come off.
If you open the tube like a pro, as I will show below, then when the composition is squeezed out, the sealant under pressure will penetrate into the crack and fill all its voids. Naturally, the durability of such a seam is several times higher.
Opening the tube correctly
Typically, tubes are sold with nozzles that either have a hole with a cap or are tightly sealed. Take a construction knife and cut the nose at 45 degrees.

We cut off the sharp edges on both sides.

And cut off the tip a little.

Almost done. To make it perfect, rub the nose to the surface by hand.

A few movements and the nose got used to it as it should.

Now you can try applying at least glue or sealant to the corner seams.