Condensation in the house: how to get rid of dampness and why it appears
We explain condensation and why it appears in your home, and we give useful advice on how to get rid of dampness.
We explain condensation and why it appears in your home, and we give useful advice on how to get rid of dampness.
Frame houses are considered one of the most economical in terms of heating costs. However, sometimes in winter a draft and discomfort are felt in the “framework” and you have to significantly increase the heating power. What is the reason and how to prevent heat loss?
Thermal insulation slabs made of stone wool, specially designed for wall structures of saunas and bath houses.
To minimize heat loss in the house, you need to insulate not only the walls but also the foundation. When combining penoplex and adhesive foam, can be done by one person.
We talk about protecting the roof from wind, rain, snow, and other factors not only from the outside but also inside the house.
Together with experts, we talk about the types of insulation for the home, as well as their strengths and weaknesses
Let’s consider how and with what you can insulate a house, saving at least 2 times compared to standard solutions.